Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bargains Galore!

So its come to my attention that I've kind of developed a skill in finding bargain clothes/shoes/things.

Today I managed to get the best bargain in a while! I went shopping at one of my favourite bargain spots - Cotton On.

Great shop for teenage girls or just anyone wanting to get something cheaply priced, though unfortunately doesn't have the star class quality we all wish we owned, plus it's kind of everywhere you look.

So today I continued with my obsession of shoes and got not one, not two, but three pairs of flats for only $2.50 each! Crazy much!
Festival Shoes! - basically I needed a pair of white shoes to wear to festivals as Laneway is coming up! They're super comfortable and cheap! Considering I'm only wearing them to a festival, $2.50 is perfect as they wont last forever either way.

Black Lace Flats - Just thought these looked really nice and I they look much girlier than the black shoes I already own, which are just those basic K-Mart ones I got for a bar job.
Nice Black Flats - I found a pair in this exact style is a sort of cream colour about a year ago and finding these was great cos I always wanted them in black! Would have preferred if I could have gotten the style with buckles but I'm happy non-the-less.

So there's my super great finds for the day!
More bargain finds to come!


Monday, January 2, 2012

ninety nine

had an absolutely BRILLIANT start to the new year - the best i've ever had.
i've never had such a great time with such a great group of people.

so now i'm onto beggining the new year and continuing with my amazing happiness i've had for so long.
and i've got a little challenge for myself i'de like to start

so lets see how i go! :)